Pot distracts Public on Alcohol’s harm

Ask any law enforcement official which domestic situation they’d prefer to avoid:

1) An individual or group high on liquid drugs… alcohol?
2) An individual or group high on marijuana?

Does anyone really doubt which drug has the statistically higher ratio of violence & death… even though marijuana smokers face much harsher penalties… including longer prison terms and forfeiture of assets… a drunk person would have to kill somebody to perhaps warrant such justice!

  The societial sentiments of this imbalance of justice can be traced to the advertising of alcohol particularly beer. The image of that drug is portrayed as funny and harmless. The only image of marijuana is one of addiction and endless bad results that  accompany it. Of course, the Alcohol industry benefits not only from the misleading PR, it also trashs one of it’s biggest competitors, pot.

If our drug policy were based on the harm inflicted by the drug in question, alcohol wouldn’t be advertised so freely and marijuana would be de-criminalized at the very least.