Super Bowl major DWI Event

It’s Super Bowl Sunday so hooray for all the anti-DWI efforts by police, fire stations and security officers at the Super Bowl site in Phoenix, AZ. Arizona has a higher rate of alcohol related highway deaths(45.4%) than the entire national rate(41.3%) in 2006.

Hopefully, breath testing equipment is available and used at sports bars across the Nation to prevent impaired drivers from killing and maiming our families.

The Super Bowl has gotten so big as a drinking specticle, it rivals any major holiday in alcohol consumed. A media analyist on FOX news joked that Presidential candidates didn’t want to purchase the costly TV Ads during the Super Bowl(Over $2 million for a second spot) since most of the viewers would be intoxicated and unable to comprehend or retain any message in their commercial. This is a rare example of the media telling the truth about the effects of alcohol. It also a sad commentary on how acceptable getting drunk is on Super Sunday.